Monday, April 18, 2005

What Makes Me So Special?

I don't mean 2 ask that question in a glib manner, but in a musical manner. I was watching a live show the other night, and as a musicain and performer I'm always breaking things down, figuring out what's working and what's not, but more importantly ... what the audience is responding to.

I have to find what it is that sets me apart from everyone else and work it! As an independent artist, my goal is to somehow find a way to make enough money from my music to do it full time and really devote my time and energy into growing my audience and improving my craft. The main way to make money as an independent artist is to sell CDs and merchandise. Well, selling CDs online don't work, at least I haven't found a way for it to work for me yet. The main place to sell your cds and grow your audience is via live shows. Well, you already know what a struggle it is getting booked and doing live shows, so I'm always looking for ways to spruce up my show and really stand out so that I can pack in the crowds, get them coming back and get them buying my music!

So, I'm standing there watching this band, and though the music was solid, after about ten minutes I was bored. I looked around and saw that only a handful of people were actually watching the band anymore, most were chilling and chatting and drinking with their friends, which is fine, but it's not what I want and not what I shoot for. A concert should be like an event, like when Coldplay or Prince or Janet Jackson comes to town and you CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THEM! That's the way I want people 2 feel about me. So, what is it that those artists do that keeps people so excited to see them live. Well, besides being famous, which, let's face it, is a factor, they are top notch entertainers and have legions of fans who KNOW THEIR MUSIC. I think that's a key element ... the experience is enriched when you actually know the music you're hearing played and can sing along. So, how do I get people 2 know my music? They have to buy my CD and actually listen to it. And where do they buy the CD 9 times out of 10? At a show. So, I could think of this as a catch 22, but it's really more like a cycle.

So, in order to be successful as an independent artist, I have got to stand apart, be different, be special, and find that niche audience. And I think I am. Nobody is doing the style of music that I'm doing on a local level, and very few do it even on a regional level. So, the music sets me apart, but what will set me apart live? I know I'm a pretty good entertainer. You can always tell when you're connecting with your audience and when you're not, and at my last show, they were right there with me, but most of the audience were people that I knew personally. So, what will draw people who are NOT MY FRIENDS ALREADY to one of my shows???? That's the question of the day 2 which I don't have an answer.

Any suggestions or comments out there in cyberland? In an environment where most people couldn't be more apathetic about seeing live music, especially independent live music, what will get you to a show??

"Welcome 2 the picture show ..." - Lenny Kravitz


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